Listen to Yourself [How To Survive In The Jungle]

This might sound like some new age wellness living lecture but that doesn’t make it any less true. You need to listen to yourself for the primary reason that no one knows you like yourself. When I say listen to yourself I mean that you need to be attuned to your thoughts, feelings and opinion, Your values and principals, Your spirituality and its guidance all of which make up the voice that is within you.

Only you can listen to yourself because your voice is within you and no one else. Everybody has a voice within – use it, don’t use it. Other people choose not to use it and those who choose to use it reap the benefits of its wisdom. I am not referring to that voice on the tape recorder in your head, everyone has that voice but it is not what I wish to dwell on because this voice will tell you how stupid you are after failing an important exam or have just been shunned by your friends. This negative voice beats you down when you’re at your lowest, it never fails to remind you of the number of times you have fallen when you’re trying to get yourself off the ground, it kicks you when you’re down and comes down on you harder than your enemy. When the winds of life have knocked you down is when you’re most likely to hear this voice.
The voice in discussion here is that which lies in the depths of your heart. It is your personal motivator, your inspiration and light at the end of the tunnel, I like to believe that it is God’s guidance. This voice cares about you and it is always right because it is wisdom epitomized. This voice will let you know when something goes against your belief system, it lets you know when you are in a situation that is dangerous, some call it intuition but I prefer to refer to it as the voice of my creator. When you are about to do something illegal, immoral, unsafe or wrong in every manner this voice will give you a response and usually it is in the form of feelings so you would get nervous before stealing money because you know that stealing is not right, listen to that feeling- it is the voice within you. Sometimes the voice within you may come as an actual voice that will talk to you and you should still listen to it.

So why must you listen to this voice? Because people have escaped bad relationships, decided to leave abusive partners and prevented many a disastrous thing because they have simply listened to themselves. You are capable of making healthy decisions for yourself by listening to yourself because unlike your friends, the voice within you doesn’t have a hidden agenda, it is not inexperienced, it will not shun you or gossip about you, this voice is the most important voice besides that of your parents. If you don’t listen to yourself how will you listen to your parents? This entire process starts with listening to yourself because it forces one to understand the self beyond the external and once you have a full understanding of yourself you are capable of standing up for yourself, you have a better understanding of yourself and you become a more compassionate human being.

Ever heard the saying “everything you need is within you”? That is because it is. If you’re unsure about a decision you have to make, you’re afraid of taking a risk, your growing weary and don’t know how you will survive pain, you can find those answers by spending some time with yourself and consulting you. All you have to do is pay attention, listen to your joy and heal your pain.

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