Eight Commandments for the office party/year end event [Part2]

As promised here is the last installment of the 8 commandments, thank you so much for the positive response to the first one and for those of you who already attended your office event, I hope the first installment served you well and if yours is this weekend, read on for a great Christmas party.

Thou shall not break down and cry. If you’re the type that gets over emotional when drunk please limit your drinking to just one glass or when you start feeling like you’ve overdone the alcohol get a cab and make it quick. Oh and if you’re a lady, waterproof mascara is advised in case you decide to ignore this rule. Crying is ugly and crying with your co-workers and boss around is uglier than ugly, it’s pathetic.

Thou shall not sing. This goes hand in hand with the thou shall not dance rule, I don’t care how great of a singer you think you are or how you are the lead singer in the worship choir at church stay away from the microphone and stick to talking.

Thou shall not be extremely honest. Alcohol has a strange way of having the same effects as truth serum so when you go overboard, remember to bite your tounge because in this case the truth shall not set you free, the truth shall leave you unemployed and broke.

Thou shall not enter nor begin any discussions about religion, sex or politics especially if you’re an ANC member. We don’t want the bible clappers trying to save the lost atheist or muslim souls or the other way around and your sex life, besides not being anyone’s business is not as interesting as you think it is and politics, well the less said about that the better, given our country’s current political climate

Thou shall not participate in any sexual activities with anyone at the office party. Sure alcohol has a way of making people more appealing but you don’t want to be known more for your sexual prowess than your actual work ethics and qualifications.

And the last one if your the boss, thou shall give your employees the day off after the office party instead of expecting them to come to work early the next day because they won’t.

Remember that if you don’t drink at all you wouldn’t need most of these rules so play it safe, you have the rest of the holiday season to get wasted.

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